Friday, January 04, 2008

Notes on Designing Products Page

I was reading this article in "" about Poor Product Description in websites.

The author stated 6 points that a web designer must take into consideration when creating the "products page". these are:

1. Avoiding dependence on pure textual descriptions.
2. Using Lifestyle Imagery.
3. Employing interactive views.
4. Details, details and details
5. Information Hierarchy
6. Making cross and up-sells

Some notes on investing on good imagery.
Often, we forget that there are things that affect the viewing patterns of surfing buyers. The way products are presented takes part in efficiently getting consumer's attention.

When browsing products on a website, we're not there to touch it, to feel it. Investing in a good photography helps the viewers more appreciate what you're trying to sell. Instead of very long text description of what it does, it's more effective to use imagery. One good example of this can be seen in the apple website ( The website shows you very clear images of their products, and what it does.

Often when we sell something, you also sell the lifestyle of having that product. If we're trying to sell an expensive or exclusive product, proper use of imagery would be of great help to imply who we are selling the products for.

As a graphic designer, i tend to be more inclined on aesthetics. Often, our vision tells us lots of things that we encounter. We judge some things by how it looks. Just a glance, we know if we'll like it. Looking at something thats pleasing dictates a different feel.


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